So, where did I leave off? Home Improvement projects? Oh yeah....
Wow...that seems like forever ago. Since that time, Bryon took part one of his boards. He will find out the results here in just a few weeks. And I (Maggie) am starting to study for my proficiency test for work. What is my proficiency test? Well, at the beginning of my time at my job, I had to take a test to make sure I understood the "basics" of banking. Now, nearly 4 years later, I have completed their training program, and they want to make sure that I really know what they want me to know. So I have to take a huge test to verify that. We will update the blog here once we both know our results (well...if they are both positive results)
The last two weeks, I was in Washington DC for my last training class in the program. Talk about an interesting time to be in DC in classes about banking. With all that has happened with Congress and the bailout, and the bank mergers, there were new things to talk about every day. Bryon came up to visit for the weekend, and we had a nice relaxing time. We have both spent enough time in DC recently that we didn't feel the need to do TOO many touristy things...but we did spend some time wandering around and taking some pictures...Here are a few highlights...
The night before I left, Roxie stole my shoes...

On Friday night, Bryon and I wandered around and went to the WW2 monument. It is so amazing at night, although the pictures that my camera is capable of just don't seem to do it justice...

And the flags around the Washington Monument

Saturday morning, we went to the Newseum. Neither of us had been there before and we both loved it.
Here is a piece of the Berlin Wall

And us on their deck that overlooks the Capital building...

The view from the deck

This is a picture of a picture that we found at the Newseum...we were both laughing for a long time at this one...

Then we wandered down to what is left of Chinatown in DC.

All in all, a fun trip...but way too short for the part that Bryon was there...