On the upside, we were able to get away for a weekend to Connecticut. I was a groomsman in my friend Ben's wedding. He and his wife Sarah, had their ceremony at her parents house, which, I must say was absolutely beautiful. It was definitely a wedding that will always stick out in our minds as one of the most lavish and amazing weddings that we will ever attend. We congratulate Ben and Sarah for their nuptials and hope they had an outstanding honeymoon and we thank Sarah's family for opening up their homes to all of us and being outstanding hosts and Ben's family for being just as hospitable all these years.
Calf Pasture Beach at Long Island Sound in Connecticut.
Big, expensive house along Long Island Sound.
Us at Calf Pasture Beach.
Brandon and Lindsay (friends from high school). 
Maggie, Brandon, and Lindsay had never been to IKEA before...until now.
Ben and Sarah at the rehearsal party - after recieving gifts for the honeymoon.
Brandon and Lindsay with a dash of Ben.
The reception setup.
These were some inpressive porta-potties.
Inside the porta-potties.
The newlyweds.
Our place card next to a "Sarahtini".
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